Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's good about BaBs?

We asked this question at a BaBs group recently. What's good: important/valuable/useful about BaBs? Here are the answers that were written down at the time (not in any particular order of importance).

HAVING friends to share life with
CREATING a place for women to gather
BEING able to be ready for safe child birth
HAVING confidence in your abilities
SEEING breasts, and breastfeeding
LEARNING about normal birthing and parenting
FOCUSING on each other
ENCOURAGING our children to see mother's value of herself as a mother
ENCOURAGING mothers to breastfeed as much as we can without time restrictions
FEELING special while you're pregnant
HONORING the pregnant woman
MAKING pregnancy and birth a positive event to celebrate
VALUING motherhood, particularly the first five years
GIVING women freedom to speak in the group setting
ESTABLISHING real relationships, and friendships with real people.

In the BaBs groups I have been delighted to see mothers actively becoming and enjoying all these things listed here, and I have seen them support one another in a beautifully caring way. Joy Johnston

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